Tone2 Synthesizer Bundles - Tone2 Synthesizers

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Tone2 Complete Bundle
Tone2 Complete Bundle$4432 €799 $999

Includes all products: 7 synthesizers + 5 effects + 10 expansions + 52 soundsets

Synthesizers: Icarus 3, Electra 3, Gladiator 4, Nemesis 3, Saurus 4, RayBlaster 3, Warlock
Sounds: All expansions and soundsets are included - over 23000 sounds in total!
Effect units: UltraSpace, AkustiX, FilterBank, Multi-FX, BiFilter

Click here to buy it now!Klicken Sie hier um das Comple Bundle zu kaufen! Click here to buy it now!
Click here for more details about Icarus!Klicken Sie hier für weitere Details! Tone2 Icarus VST AudioUnit synthesizer
Icarus Big Bundle$951 €299 $349

Includes: Icarus 3 synthesizer + all expansions + all soundsets (5277 sounds)

Soundsets: Vocals & Chops, Sparke, SpaceTrip, EDM & Trance, Detonator, Electronix, Psychophonia, Big-Room & EDM, Ascension, FutureElements, Urban Music, Atmos Infinity, Top of the Charts, Dark Vibes
Expansions: Wavetables, Galactic Resonance

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Click here for more details about Electra!Klicken Sie hier für weitere Details! Tone2 Electra3 VST AudioUnit synthesizer
Electra Big Bundle$1344 €299 $349

Includes: Electra 3 synthesizer + all expansions + all soundsets (6383 sounds)

Soundsets: Rompler, Vocalic, Vocoder, Cinamatic, EDM & Pop, Modern Clubhits, ComplexDroids, Voltage, Trance & Dance, Morphing, Vintage, Drums, Chiptunes, Electromania, Trap, Synthwave, ChartSounds, Banser, LoFo-Chill, Atmosphera, Lunar Systems, Electric Universe, Celestial, Sunbeams, Wavetables expansion

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Click here for more details about Gladiator!Klicken Sie hier für weitere Details! Tone2 Gladiator VST AudioUnit synthesizer
Gladiator Big Bundle$406 €249 $299

Includes: Gladiator 4 synthesizer + all expansions (2140 sounds)

Electronic expansion: 300 sounds + 7 Effects
Dance & Trance expansion: 324 sounds + 8 filters + 11 effects
State of Art expansion: 315 sounds + 26 wavesforms + 11 effects

Click here and receive it instantly!Klicken Sie hier und erhalten Sie Ihren Synthesizer sofort! Click here to buy it now! You will receive your download instanty.
Click here for more details about Nemesis!Klicken Sie hier für weitere Details! Tone2 Nemesis VST AudioUnit synthesizer
Nemesis Big Bundle$542 €199 $199

Includes: Synthesizer + all expansions + all soundsets (2336 sounds)

neoFM expansion: 200 sounds + 152 waveforms
Arpmania expansion: 200 sounds + 100 arp patterns
Soundsets: Classic FM, ChartBreaker, Electric, Soundtrack, Ambientica

Click here and receive it instantly!Klicken Sie hier und erhalten Sie Ihren Synthesizer sofort! Click here to buy it now! You will receive your download instanty.
Click here for more details about RayBlaster!Klicken Sie hier für weitere Details! Tone2 RayBlaster VST AudioUnit synthesizer
RayBlaster Big Bundle$483 €199 $199

Includes: Synthesizer + all expansions + all soundsets (2000 sounds)

Futuron expansion: 160 sounds + 50 waveforms + 30 samples
Soundsets: IMS Exclusive, Epic Pads, Sci-fi Raiders, Deep Space

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Click here for more details about Saurus!Klicken Sie hier für weitere Details! Tone2 Saurus VST AudioUnit synthesizer
Saurus Big Bundle$490 €199 $199

Includes: Synthesizer + all expansions + all soundsets (2811 sounds)

Arpeggiator expansion: 200 sounds + 100 arp patterns
Soundsets: Synth Legends, Analog, Dark Toxic, Pop & Electro, Fuzion, Spacewalker, Top of the Clubs, Higher Realms, Retro

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Tone2 Effects Bundle
Effects Bundle for PC$311 €129 $149

Includes all Tone2 effects:
FilterBank 3 (VST effect + VST Synth)
AkustiX (VST effect)
UltraSpace (VST effect)
Multi-FX / WarmVerb (VST effect)
BiFilter (VST effect)

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