Finally, true analog sound does no longer require compromises! Saurus is an extremely authentic emulation of analog synthesizers. It covers all aspects of the most famous and expensive synths, but without disadvantages.Saurus ist eine extrem authentische Emulation der beliebtesten und teuersten analogen Synthesizer. Endlich echter analoger Klang ohne irgendwelche Kompromisse!
Click here and receive your synthesizer instantly!Klicken Sie hier und erhalten Sie Ihren Synthesizer sofort!
Authentic emulation of analog synths: True-Analog-Modeling-Technology
Covers all aspects of analog synths, but without the disadvantages
Ships with 1022 presets from professional sound-designers
Can replace a large number of very expensive analog synthesizers
Larger sonic range than other analog emulations
Many unique features that are not available in competing products
Low CPU & true high-end sound quality
Low price
Free personal support and updates
Comfortable and easy-to-use interface with 22 sizes and High-DPI support
"The sound convinces ... Punchy envelopes and audio-rate LFOs ... Saurus is more versatile and powerful than other analog emulations. The sonic range is larger than the Prophet5 or the Minimoog."
"Versatile sound generation ... Alive, expressive and assertive sound ... Huge sonic range ... Very nice price ... Low CPU cost ... Easy to use"
"Fabulous sound ... Fantastic modulation matrix ... A vast wellspring of synthesis power ... Quality analogue sounds"
Authentische analoge Emulation: True Analog Modeling
Deckt alle wichtigen Aspekte von Analog-Synths ab, jedoch ohne deren Nachteile
Kann eine große Zahl an sehr teuren analogen Synthesizern ersetzen
Saurus hat viele exklusive Features, die es nicht in Konkurrenzprodukten gibt
Sehr niedriger CPU-Verbrauch und echte high-end Klagqualität
Geringe Anschaffungskosten
Benutzerfreundliches Interface mit 22 Größen und High-DPI Unterstützung
Größere klangliche Bandbreite als die Konkurrenzprodukte
"Klanglich überzeugend... Die Hüllkurven arbeiten äußerst zackig und die LFOs lassen sich im Audiobereich betreiben... Verglichen mit Emulationen von Anlogklassikern ist Saurus vielseitiger und ergiebiger... Sein Spektrum ist größer als etwa Prophet-5 oder Minimoog... vorbildlich CPU-schonend... günstiger Preis"
It gives you instant access to an inspiring library with production-ready sounds. Icarus comes with an astounding collection of 1600(!) hand-picked patches. Each sound has been carefully built by a professional sound-designer and has been crafted with a lot of love and great attention to detail. The patches are very easy-to-mix, because they've been carefully EQed, pre-mastered and are in perfect sync to your track tempo. All patches have been sorted into categories and you can find quickly what you need. You can tag your favorites with a ranking-system.
Play Modes
Saurus offers several different play-modes: Monophonic, Legato, 8 Voice Old Polyphonic, 16 Voice Polyphonic. The Glide knob adjusts how quickly the current note's pitch glides to the next note's pitch. You can use it in combination with various playmodes like Legato, Monophonic and Polyphonic. You can also combine it with Unison.
The Unison section offers both a 2x and 4x Unison mode which layers multiple copies of the voices.
The Spread knob works in combination with the two Unison modes and allows you to select the amount of detuning and spread to applied to the different copies of the sound.
With Unison mode activated the panning (Pan) control switches to controlling the amount of stereo separation in the unison instead of the standard left/right pan control.
When Unison is off Pan will function as a standard panning control.
Bass Boost
The innovative Boost control will switch on a Psycho Accoustic feature. It dynamically boosts certain frequencies and adds more bottom and punch to your mix - all that without drastically changing the output volume.
To compliment the sound, Saurus features various classic effects such as 4x Unison, Chorus, Delay, Pingpong, Reverb and Tube Amp. All effects offer true high-end sound quality.
At the heart of Saurus are it's top-notch oscillators employing our True Analog Modeling Technology ™, which produces a warm characteristic sound of the hardware units from the past. With PWM, Sync, Noise, AM & FM, Ringmod an extremely broad range of sounds can be dialed-in. Saurus offers a selection of both standard and exotic oscillator types from hard-to-get analog synths.
The Drift button can optionally add a small amount of drift and inconsistencies, which results in a more authentic analog sound.
Unlike conventional synths the PW (PulseWidth) knob is not limited to squarewaves - it allows you to morph any kind of wavefom. Finally, true analog sound no longer requires any compromises!
True analog sound requires an excellent filter that's capable of sounding both lush or screaming when overdriven. However, analog filters are far from perfect. They suffer from distortion, noise, phase shift and self-oscillation.
Exactly these imperfections add this magic character, which is missing in digital filters. That's why Saurus comes with a filter section which models the most famous analog filters. With precisely modeled non-linearity and self-oscillation they sound and behave exactly like the analog circuits.
To top it all off the filter section also includes FM, feedback and an analog-modeled distortion for that little extra grit.
The Amp-Envelope in the global section is used to control Volume characteristics like volume Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release.
Saurus also offers two auxilary envelopes called ENV1 & ENV2. They can be used to control various parameters by assigning them through the modulation matrix.
Do you want to use the Envelope to morph your sound? Simply drag&drop it onto a knob and you've got it.
Modulation can be as simple or complex as you want. Use drag&drop or the modulation-matrix to connect dozens of sources to all important sound parameters. You can modulate almost any parameter with audio-rate speed..
Saurus has 2 LFOs with 6 different waveforms and BPM-sync, a Step Sequencer and 16 additional LFOs with sine waveform. Do you want to use the LFO to wobble your sound? Simply drag&drop it onto a knob and you've got it. Modulation can be as simple or complex as you want. Use drag&drop or the modulation-matrix to connect dozens of sources to all important sound parameters. You can modulate almost any parameter with audio-rate speed.
Arpeggiator / Step Sequencer / Gate
The included arpeggiator instantly creates inspiring melodies.
It supports advanced features such as swing, smart note-sorting, chords, matrix-integration and gives you precise control over play-direction and velocity.
Comfortable playing aids like auto-chord speed up the production process.
Modulation Matrix
By using drag & drop or the matrix, Saurus allows you to connect dozens of modulation sources to sound parameters. Modulate almost any parameter up into the audio-rate speed, from internal modulation sources like the LFOs, to a wide variety of MIDI messages. We've also included midi-learn, so assigning CC's is as simple as a right-click.
Setup & Configuration
The GUI can be displayed with two different scales: Small and big. It is also possible to hide parts of the interface, like the keyboard, when you don't need it.
The synthesizer offers several innovative micro-tuning modes, which make chords sound more harmonic, fat and transparent. You also got detialled control over Oscillator Drift. It will optionally apply a small amount of detuning and inconsistencies to the oscillators, which results in a more authentic analog sound.
A Low Cut and a High Cut filter can clean up your mix.
Soft Saturation and Soft Clipping can add more pressure to your mix and give you a more authentic analog sound.
Arpeggiator & Gate
We created an arpeggiator that doesn't just offer the basic note step functionality. It takes the concept further by adding features such as custom patterns, chords, swing and per step velocity. Your arpeggio sequence can be as simple or complicated as you wish.
Modulation & Effects
By using drag & drop or the matrix, Saurus allows you to connect dozens of modulation sources to sound parameters. Modulate almost any parameter up into the audio-rate speed. We've also included midi-learn, so assigning CC's is as simple as a right-click.
To compliment its sound, Saurus features various classic effects such as 4x unison, chorus, delay, reverb and tube amp. All effects offer the highest quality possible.
Saurus offers 7 different microtuning-modes that can model analog oscillator-drift. Furthermore, the engine can slightly detune certain voices to make your chords sound fatter, harmonically rich and warm. Unlike with conventional synths, our innovative microtuning is not limited to the usage of a certain tonality. Saurus is able to analyze your melodies in real-time and enhances your chords automatically. It 'just works' - you do not need to take care of anything.
True analog sound with state-of-the-art features!
Saurus® can do an extremely authentic emulation of analog synthesizers. It covers all important aspects of the most famous and expensive analog synths, but without their disadvantages.
Saurus comes with a clear, easy to use interface. It offers a larger sonic range and a more flexible synthesis engine than conventional subtractive synths. Saurus is not limited to emulating analog imperfection. It is also is capable of creating high-end quality subtractive sound. All that without placing heavy demands on your CPU or budget. At the heart of Saurus are it's top-notch oscillators employing our True Analog Modeling Technology, which produces a warm characteristic sound of the hardware units from the past. With PWM, Sync, Noise, Ringmod, AM & FM an extremely broad range of sounds can be dialed-in. Saurus offers a selection of both standard and exotic oscillator types from hard-to-get analog synths. Unlike conventional synths the PW knob is not limited to squarewaves - it allows you to morph any kind of wavefom. Finally, true analog sound no longer requires any compromises!
True analog sound requires an excellent filter that's capable of sounding both lush or screaming when overdriven. However, analog filters are far from perfect. They suffer from distortion, noise, phase shift and self-oscillation. Exactly these imperfections add this magic character, which is missing in digital filters. That's why Saurus comes with a filter section which models the most famous analog filters. With precisely modeled non-linearity and self-oscillation they sound and behave exactly like the analog circuits. To top it all off the filter section also includes FM, feedback and an analog-modeled distortion for that little extra grit.
Die prähistorische Welt von Saurus
Das Herzstück von Saurus® bilden die High-End-Oszillatoren, ausgestattet mit unserer „True Analog Modelling Technology". Diese produziert einen warmen charakteristischen Sound, der sofort Erinnerungen an Hardwaregeräte der Vergangenheit aufkommen lässt. Zusammen mit Oszillator Sync, PWM, Oszillator Drift und AM & FM-Rauschmodulation kann man auf eine noch breitere Klangpalette zugreifen, indem man beispielsweise mit Drift kleinere Schaltkreisschwankungen modelliert. Saurus geht sogar noch einen Schritt weiter: Er enthält eine große Auswahl an Oszillatortypen, die teuren, exotischen Synthesizern entnommen sind. Bisher war man auf die drei klassischen Wellenformen (Sägezahn, Rechteck, Dreieck) limitiert – diese Einschränkung fällt nun weg!
Kein analoger Sound wäre komplett ohne exzellente Filter, die dem Klang geben, wonach er verlangt: Wohlige Sattheit oder durchdringenden Biss. Analoge Filter sind nicht perfekt: Sie leiden unter Verzerrung, Rauschen, Phasenverschiebung und Selbstoszillation. Doch gerade aufgrund dieser Unvollkommenheiten haben sie mehr Charakter als ihre digitalen Gegenstücke. Aus diesem Grund ist Saurus mit einer Filtersektion ausgestattet, die exakt dies nachbildet: Präzise modellierte Nicht-Linearität und Selbstoszillation verleihen ihnen die gleiche Eigenständigkeit, die schon den Grundklang auszeichnen. Hinzu kommen FilterFM, Filter-Feedback und analog modellierte Verzerrung für die Extra-Portion Bissigkeit.
Arpeggiator & Gate
Der Arpeggiator von Saurus ist sehr leistungsfähig. Er beherrscht nicht nur die „Basics", sondern erweitert dieses Konzept um Features wie Akkorde, Double-, Triple-Note und Per-Step-Velocity. Somit kann Ihre Arpeggio-Sequenz so einfach oder kompliziert sein, wie Sie es wollen.
Modulation & Effekte
Mit Hilfe von Drag&Drop oder der Matrix können Sie Dutzende von Modulationsquellen mit allen wichtigen Soundparametern verbinden.
Mit Midi-Learn ist die Zuordnung von CCs ein Kinderspiel - Rechtsklick und Regler drehen, fertig!
Saurus hat qualitativ hochwertige, klassische Effekte wie 4x Unsion, Chorus, Delay, Reverb und Tubeamp.
Saurus bietet 7 verschiedene Microtuning-Modi, die eine analoge Oszillator-Drift modellieren können. Darüber hinaus kann die Engine bestimmte Stimmen leicht verstimmen, damit Ihre Akkorde fetter, harmonischer und wärmer klingen. Anders als bei herkömmlichen Synthesizern ist unser innovatives Microtuning nicht auf die Verwendung einer bestimmten Tonart beschränkt. Saurus ist in der Lage, Ihre Melodien in Echtzeit zu analysieren und Ihre Akkorde automatisch zu verbessern. Er 'funktioniert' einfach - Sie müssen sich um nichts kümmern.
What sets Saurus apart from conventional analog emulations?
Great value for money (includes 1022 presets, €59)
Larger sonic range than competing analog emulations
Contains also exotic oscillator-types from hard-to-get analog synths
Breathy sounds can be created with FM/AM noise modulation
Pulse-width-modulation is possible with all wave-forms (not only square-wave)
Filter with self-oscillation, analog saturation, feedback and FM
4x stereo unison
Drag & Drop modulation
Very low CPU consumption
Chords can be enhanced automatically
Flexible mod-matrix
Created by a DSP expert with 25 years of experience
System requirements
PC: Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Vista / XP / Linux with WINE
Mac: macOS 10.12 and later including macOS Sequoia
Intel CPU or M2 or M1 (native support for enhanced performace)
Plugin formats: VSTi, Audio Unit (AUi), VST3, Standalone, Universal Binary
User-friendly copy-protection: No dongle, no cloud, no data-collection, no need to be online, does not install an additional 'license-manager' or driver
Was unterscheidet Saurus von herkömmlichen analogen Emulationen?
Mac: macOS 10.12 oder höher inklusive macOS Sequoia
Intel CPU oder M2 oder M1 (nativ unterstützt für bessere Performance)
Plugin Formate: VSTi, Audio Unit (AUi), VST3, Standalone, Universal Binary
Benutzerfreundlicher Kopierschutz: Kein Dongle, keine Cloud, keine Datensammelei, kein Onlinezwang, es wird kein zusätzlicher 'Lizenzmanager' oder Treiber installiert
His tracks rely heavily on Saurus
You can hear Saurus in this movie
Produced hit singles for G-Unit, Bow Wow, Kanye West, Jay-Z...
Zedd owns all Tone2 products
Paul Elstak uses Saurus
Producer of Tyga, Eminem, Kodak Black. He owns all Tone2 products.
He sold 300 million albums. "You're my favourite company!!"
"I absolutely swear by it, could never live without it."
Producer of Centory, Nsync, Backstreet Boys, Aaron Carter...
Created the soundtracks of 150 movies. Owns all Tone2 products.